- Linear and Nonlinear static
- Modal mode analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Coupled thermal-stress
- Time and Frequency and random response
- Auto connection
- Support connections and boundary conditions (Auto connections, bonded, sliding, separating with friction, bolted, spot & laser weld, and etc.
- Material
Isotropic, orthotropic, incompressible, elastoplastic, rigid and user extensible

- Analyze complex parts and large assemblies not practical with traditional FEA.
- Intelligent workflows that let you create complex connections in minutes
- Rapid design feedback
- Calculation is fast, real fast.
- Solution times are typically measures in seconds to minutes

“SimSolid is extremely impressive. It allows our team to go beyond the limitations of CAD embedded simulation. We now accurately evaluate our structures in minutes, gain confidence early and save loads of time!”
Richard Reeson, Senior Engineer