Boost productivity and improve in-external collaboration.
on NX X.
Using everywhere with managing by Admin console
Key features :
CAD design :
2D drafting, 3D modeling, Feature-based solid modeling, Synchronous Technology, Basic freeform modeling, Advanced freeform modeling, User-defined features, Convergent Modeling, Assemblies
Industrial design :
Photorealistic rendering, Visualize shape, Freeform shape, Advanced surface analysis
Process-specific :
Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI)
Product validation:
HD3D Visual Reporting out-of-the-box (OOTB) report, HD3D Visual Reporting custom report editing, Molded part validation
AI enabled :
AI Selection Similar Components, AI Selection Prediction
Build-in data management :
Teamcenter share :
Able to markup, Explode view / Section view, Share your CAD to external that no need to have any CAD software or viewer, Better collaborate and communicate with team to reduce mistake
Admin console :
Assign and resign user to access licenses
Video demo Collaborate with internal and external
NX-X with Build-in data management
Teamcenter share
NX X Design solutions

Design Standard
Create and edit designs of typical 3D parts and assemblies
Design Modeling:
- FeatureBasedSolidModeling
- SynchronousTechnology
- CoreConvergentModeling
- Drafting
- Assemblies
- Basic Freeform Modeling
Process-Specific Modeling Tools:
- Sheet Metal Design
Product Validation:
- HD3D Visual Reporting OOTB Report ports

Design Advanced
Tools for enhanced mechanical components and assemblies
All features from NX X Design Standard
- UG Check mate
- Routing
- Photorealistic rendering
- Visualize Shape PMI
- User defined features

Design Premium
A comprehensive, balanced, set of advanced design functionality
All features from NX X Design Advanced
- Advanced assemblies
- Advanced surface analysis
- Advanced freeform modeling
- Free form shape
- Al selection prediction
- Al select similar components